Saturday, September 24, 2011

hand surgery :( free shipping :)

my HAND SURGERY has been scheduled for October 5th!
 i have put it off as long as i can :)
some of you may remember last year i had to close my shop
for several weeks while i was on hand rest due to swollen tendons  in my right hand.
and yes, i am right handed!

well, after that i got a cortisone shot, PT and used specially formed hand splints
 but to no avail.
i have to face it. i need the surgery :(

here is a link that shows exactly what is involved with trigger finger.

sadly, i will be unable to sew for 3-4 weeks while my hand heals :(
and i still have a gazillion orders to get out before the surgery (!)
26 to be exact.
but... i plan to leave my etsy shop open so you can window shop -
and i will be available to answer emails...
 if you want to purchase something 
- feel free but
 please know that i will not be able to get to your order
 until after the doctor gives me the ok to work again.

- it will be at least a month before i get to your order!
 just in time to start your november budget and
get those
christmas gifts purchased!

and for all my blog friends...
if you make a purchase - you get free shipping!

just tell me in the message to the seller or email me
after your purchase that you read my blog
and want free shipping
and it will be yours!

oh and i plan to blog about the whole surgery ordeal.
what else do i have to do during that time?
i will not be able
to sew but i figure i can hunt and peck with my left hand!

and just to make it interesting -
i will be throwing in a giveaway
every now and then!

 i will have my husband take a photo of my hand now
so we can compare it
to the finished product in about 4 weeks.
stay tuned for the photos!
and thanks for your prayers.

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