Through the years I have worked with so many sweet people. I noticed a year or so ago people were coming back to the shop wanting another set of envelopes. They said after 5, 6, 7 years their envelopes were finally wearing out! Wow! When I came up with this idea I had no idea #1 it would be so successful, #2 I would start a cottage industry and # 3 they would last so many years! What a perfect product for the budget minded!
I have had so many heart warming emails over the years. They kept me going. And even yesterday - they are still coming. I asked Donna if I could share her email with you and she said of course.
It is the little things in life that make my heart happy.
Think about who you can email, send a note or talk to today and tell them something from your heart.
Hi! I was looking through my old orders and saw this. I had ordered a set of cloth envelopes a little over a year ago. I just wanted to let you know that I have used them since I bought them and despite the constant use, and sometimes finding their way into toddler hands, they are still in excellent condition! My husband often gets tired of prints and things after awhile and even he recently said, even after a year these prints are still pleasant to look at. Granted he doesn't carry them around like I do but he does on occasion. I don't know how to edit or add another review but just wanted to let you know we are going on a year and the quality is still obviously great.
Thank you,
Donna Hooton