Wednesday, September 19, 2012

all glory to god

i have such wonderful customers and blessings. i received the email below
 this morning.
it just blesses me beyond words that my
customers see the glory of god in my work!
god gave me my shop and my talent and all i hope to do is give it back to him.
pleasing my
customers is my highest goal.
yay for this email. this feedback is priceless.

"Hi Cathy.
Got my envelopes today. Love them! I am a mother of 4 boys and I can't tell you how good it did my heart to open a package of lovely girly things ;)
I can tell how much love you put into these little envelopes, you did a beautiful job. I would like to offer feedback if you can tell me how to do that.
Thank you.
Steph Kirk"

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